Stock Gifts Faq

Why Does The Coalition Accept Gifts Of Stock?

Over 60% of Americans own stock, and billions of dollars of stock are donated to charitable organizations every year. Donating stock is also one of the most tax-efficient ways for individuals to support We Don’t Waste’s mission.

Which Stocks To You Accept?

We currently accept publicly traded, domestic common stock.

Are Stock Donations Tax-Deductible?

Yes! Stock donations are an exceptionally tax-efficient way to give to charity. Your stock donation is tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law; if you pay taxes in the U.S. By making a charitable gift, you may also be eligible to significantly reduce what you would otherwise owe in capital gains taxes.

As with any tax-related questions, be sure to consult with a qualified, professional tax advisor.

I Need Assistance With My Donation. How Can I Get In Touch?

We are happy to help! To contact us about making a crypto donation, please send us an email at with the subject line, “Stock Donation.”

Other Ways to Support Our Work

Give by Mail

You can send a check payable to “We Don’t Waste” to:
We Don’t Waste
6090 E 39th Avenue
Denver, CO 80207

Give by Phone

Call 720-443-6113 ext. 2 to make a donation by phone.

Gift Matching

Your employer may match your gift and double your impact. Search for your company’s eligibility below, or click here.

Want to learn more about how we steward our resources? Visit our Commitment to Accountability page to view our annual reports and financial audits.