

We Don’t Waste Helps People Dine Together with Break Bread

July 27, 2018

When was the last time you sat down to eat with your family? Sitting down to enjoy a meal with loved ones is perhaps one of the most-simple pleasures that humans enjoy. Dining together is one of those experiences that crosses boundaries of culture and language, something that connects and unifies. Yet, the majority of families in the US report that they eat together less than five times a week.

This matters. Children who regularly eat with their families are less likely to be absent from school, report less problems with drugs and alcohol, have closer relationships with their parents, and are less likely to be overweight. Despite the importance, there are barriers to dining together that are increasingly hard to overcome. Work schedules, after-school practices, food-insecurity, and general lack of time and resources plague many families.

This is where Break Bread comes in. Located at Littleton United Methodist Church, Break Bread provides a community meal, every Saturday, free-of-charge. Founded upon the discovery that the church sits near three schools that have 80% or more of students qualified for free and reduced lunches, Break Bread’s mission is to build meaningful relationships among neighbors through a weekly community meal, offering nourishment, unconditional love, and abundant grace. On any given Saturday, Break Bread feeds 70-100 people, including volunteers, individuals experiencing homelessness, and other community members. Littleton United Methodist Reverend Trudy Robinson attends every meal.

At We Don’t Waste we’ve had the opportunity to support this wonderful mission and serve an area of the city we had not previously served, by providing quality food at no-cost. Break Bread’s head chef, Robert Margolis, noted that they run on a tight budget, and We Don’t Waste helps them expand their budget and menu.

We’ve been excited to support a program that not only feeds people a meal, but also provides an opportunity to build community. Upon speaking with Margolis, it’s clear that Break Bread does much more than fill stomachs—it feeds the spirit. Margolis puts it simply: “Togetherness is a good dynamic to live by.”